Posts Tagged ‘Sesame oil’

Dim Sum 3 /Shu Mai Dumplings

September 9, 2010

Shu Mai are my favorite of all dumplings. What I love most is no surprises you see what you are getting when they go on the plate. They are one of the bigger dumplings with the filling bursting out of the top. I hope they become one of your favorites also.


 1  or 2 packages wonton skins 7×7 inches enough for 20  large dumplings or 5×5 for approx 30 smaller ones

1 head of cabbage shredded like coleslaw

1 10 to 12 ounce can bean sprouts drained

1 bunch green onions chopped

3 cloves chopped garlic

1 tsp chopped ginger( optional)

1 lb of cooked small salad shrimp( may substitute crawfish tails or crabmeat or shredded cooked pork or imitation crab)

1 tbl sesame oil

1 ounce rice wine vinegar

2 tbls hoisin sauce

2 ounces of soy sauce

2tbl oyster sauce

1 ounce peanut oil

1tsp tabasco or sriracha

1/2 tsp five spice powder

salt and pepper to taste

1 tsp corn starch

Take your shredded cabbage and place in colander over a bowl and sprinkle with about 1 tbl of salt and toss let sit about an hour to bleed off excess water. Mix all your liquids( except peanut oil) and spices together and stir in the cornstarch and get all other ingredients cut and ready to go. In a wok or large saute pan heat up peanut oil and add drained cabbage. Cook for just a few minutes and add green onions, garlic and ginger, saute until just tender. Add seafood and liquid mixture and cook until seafood is cooked and the liquid has thickened. Pour mixture into a colander over a large bowl and let drain overnight. Make sure to press down to extract the juices. Chill overnight. Drain and reserve liquid. Place approx 2  tbl of mix in the center of  a wonton skin and fold up to make a little cup with some of the mix coming out of the top as shown in the picture.  When all dumplings are made up steam for 15 to 20 minutes. Use the reserved liquid for the dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce


Liquid from mixture

1 cup of chicken stock

3 tbl of soy sauce

2 tbl of red wine

1 1/2 tbl of cornstarch

Heat reserved liquid up to a boil. Mix stock, soy, and red wine with cornstarch and add to boiling liquid and whisk until thickened. Add tabasco or siracha if you like it hotter.

For different fillings try the spicy beef or pork in the first Dim Sum blog or some stir fried veggies for a meatless version.

Eat Well and Enjoy

Chef Tim